166 – Heart Health and Omega-3 Fatty Acids – My Interview with Jolie Root

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin D for Children

Jolie Root


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In this interview with Jolie Root, we discuss a couple of topics related to omega-3. Try as we might, it was too interesting to stay on one topic. Jolie is one of the most interesting persons that I have interviewed. Her depth of knowledge on nutrition topics comes from decades of involvement at many levels in natural health industry. She has a compelling understanding of the science and an engaging style that you will appreciate.


Heart Support

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In the first segment of the interview we discuss the role of omega-3 for cardiovascular health. We review a brief history of fish and other oils to articulate how we we got into our present state of nutritional imbalance. The problem simply stated is: Americans consume way too much omega-6 and way too little of omega-3. Jolie discusses some of the scientific basis for understanding how much omega-3 do we need to consume to have a positive and beneficial effect on human nutrition. We discuss the role of inflammation for cardiovascular health and this is perhaps the main reason why omega-3 fatty acids are so beneficial and critical to health. Jolie also stresses how important it is to reduce our consumption of omega-6.

In the second part of the interview we discuss a recent study suggesting Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D may control brain serotonin, affecting behavior and psychiatric disorders in children. Here is an excerpt from JolieBlogs.com.

“In a previous paper published last year, authors Patrick and Ames discussed the implications of their finding that vitamin D regulates the conversion of the essential amino acid tryptophan into serotonin, and how this may influence the development of autism, particularly in developing children with poor vitamin D status.

Brain Support

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Here they discuss the relevance of these micro nutrients for neuro psychiatric illness. Serotonin affects a wide-range of cognitive functions and behaviors including mood, decision-making, social behavior, impulsive behavior, and even plays a role in social decision-making by keeping in check aggressive social responses or impulsive behavior.

Many clinical disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and depression share as a unifying attribute low brain serotonin. “In this paper we explain how serotonin is a critical modulator of executive function, impulse control, sensory gating, and pro-social behavior,” says Dr. Patrick. “We link serotonin production and function to vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, suggesting one way these important micro nutrients help the brain function and affect the way we behave.” Excerpt is from JolieBlogs.com. Click link to read more.

In my opinion, omega-3 fatty acids are arguably the most import nutrient. Without a significantly improved omega-3/omega-6 balance you will not fully resolve your issues with inflammation and the health issues associated with inflammation. This is why fish oil is so beneficial. It works in every cell in the body and if you are deficient in omega-3 your cells will suffer, your tissues will suffer and your organs will suffer. The only way to correct this is take more omega-3 and reduce omega-6. Do this and you will not regret it. In this interview you will hear about my wife’s experience with omega-3 and rheumatoid arthritis. You will understand why Jolie and I are so passionate about teaching others about omega-3.

If you want to learn more:

About Jolie Root
Jolie is the Senior Nutritionist/Educator at Carlson Laboratories. She began as a natural products retailer who evolved into a career in education in the health sciences. She is a nutritionist and a nurse. She understands both the science and the practical application of good nutrition for health. Jolie hosts a weekly radio show called Food for Thought which is heard in New York, Florida and online.





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