174 – Your Blood Never Lies – My Interview with James LaValle

How to Read Your Blood Test and Live a Longer Healthier Life

James LaValle

Heart Support

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A standard blood test indicates how well the kidneys and liver are functioning, the potential for heart disease, and a host of other vital health markers. Unfortunately, most of us cannot decipher these results ourselves, nor can we even formulate the right questions to ask about them—or we couldn’t until now.

If you are a follower of HealthQuestPodcast.com, then you know I am a strong believer in the value of benchmark blood test. I have recommended many tests that will help you manage your health. By knowing what your blood test reveals then you can make choice that serve to improve the function in your body. Future blood tests can confirm whether you are making progress. Examples of important blood tests that I have recommended are: the omega-3 test, Vitamin D levels and C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Everyone will have specific tests for their individual problems. Too often these tests are a mystery for the average consumer.

Your_Blood_Never_LiesIn Your Blood Never Lies, best-selling author James LaValle clears up the mystery surrounding blood test results. In simple language, he explains all of the information found on these forms, making it understandable and accessible. This means that you can look at the results yourself and know the significance of each marker. Dr. LaValle even recommends the most effective conventional and complementary treatments for dealing with any problematic findings. Rounding out the book are the names of test markers that should be requested for a more complete physical picture.

A blood test can reveal so much about your body, but only if you can interpret the results. Your Blood Never Lies provides the up-to-date information you need to take control of your health. With this book, you can learn the value of all of the major blood tests, how to evaluate the results and perhaps most importantly what steps can you take to actually improve your health.

vial_of_bloodWhile drugs and pharmaceuticals can change the results on a blood test such as reducing cholesterol or blood sugar, they don’t necessarily get you any closer to being healthier, they don’t always lead to longer lives and they almost always have undesirable side effects. This does not mean that we reject medical treatment, it means that we use medicine as needed AND we seek to make changes in lifestyle and nutrition that does provide an expectation of better health.

In this interview you will learn more about using and understanding your blood test to make better choices. Better choices lead to better outcomes.

About James B. LaValle R.Ph.,C.C.N.
Jim LaValleJames LaValle, is a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board certified clinical nutritionist, founder of Metabolic Code Enterprises, Inc., a web platform and practice solution enterprise, launching AIR Support and the Metabolic Code Assessment. In addition,  he founded an Practices at Progressive Medical Center in Orange County, CA.  In 2001 he founded and operated LaValle Metabolic Institute, an interdisciplinary medicine facility in Cincinnati for  15 years where he served thousands of patients using his metabolic model for health. James has 27 years’ experience integrating natural therapies into various medical models. James is probably best known for his expertise in natural therapeutics application and drug/nutrient depletion issues and uncovering the underlying metabolic issues that keep people from feeling healthy and vital. As such he has written hundreds of articles for a variety of industry journals and publications, and has lectured for thousands of healthcare professionals and consumer audiences globally on these topics.

Book - Cracking the Metabolic CodeHe is author of 16 e books and 17 books including, Cracking the Metabolic Code, Smart Medicine for Healthier Living, Nutritional Cost of Drugs, The Cox 2 Connection, and the soon to be released book “Your Blood Doesn’t Lie”.


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