048 – What You Don’t Know About Folic Acid – My Interview with Dr. Parris Kidd

Discover why common folic acid is not the best form of this important nutrient.

Dr. Parris KiddEveryone who takes supplements is likely familar with folic acid. Folic acid is a B-vitamin that is found in most multi-vitamins and B complex supplements. What you may not know is that folic acid is a synthetic form of folate. It is not the same as the folate that is found in the human body.

There is a natural form of folate called S-MethylTetraHydroFolic acid (MTHF). This is the only form biochemically identical to the MTHF present in the body. In this interview with Dr. Parris Kidd you will learn about the important benefits of MTHF. Dr. Kidd also discusses the problems associated with the common folic acid.

This is a case where all nutrients are not the same. It is also an issue as to whether the folic acid that is so common is actually problematic. As always Dr. Kidd is on the leading edge of nutritional science and we all do well to consider his research.

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1 Steve Lankford November 6, 2016 at 4:25 pm

Please search the web.


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