112 – If I Had Cancer, I Would Take AveMar – My Interview with James LaValle

AveMar has been clinically confirmed to be a powerful adjunct nutrient for cancer patients.

James LaValleMany people have asked me many times over many years, “What is the best nutrient for cancer?” or “What would I take, if I had cancer?” I have thought about that and I don’t know what I would do. Would I accept surgery, radiation or chemotherapy? It’s an impossible question to answer, until you are faced with the decision. I know people at both extremes. There are some that have no faith in medical cancer treatments and others who would consider nothing else but doctor recommended treatment. For me, it will depend on prognosis, treatment risks vs benefits, age, general health, alternatives, etc. I am certain, however, that any medical treatment would be aided by nutritional adjuncts. There are many I would consider and take. Someday I will do a show on some of those adjuncts.

I do not look at nutrition as a cure for disease, especially cancer. Nutrition does not treat or cure disease. Nutrition supports the structure and the functions of the body. There are ways to specifically target certain functions in human biology that can have a cancer suppressing effect. This is what we look for in nutrition. What nutrients can help the body in it’s normal defensive functions? AveMar is first on my list, especially when chemotherapy is required.

AveMar is an amazing fermented wheat germ extract, that has decades of clinical research. AveMar has astounding benefits as nutritious food for cancer patients because they do better with their treatments when they also consume AveMar. In this compelling interview with James LaValle, you will learn about the history, biology and benefits of AveMar. After this introductory interview, you will want to learn more. You can research 34 published studies at PubMed. There is also a website devoted to the AvaMar Published Research.

I currently have 8 other interviews that are focused on cancer and how nutrition can support your battle with cancer. A body that is well nourished will do better that one that is not. Here is a link to those specific interviews.

About James B. LaValle R.Ph.,C.C.N.
Jim LaValleJames LaValle, is a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board certified clinical nutritionist, founder of Metabolic Code Enterprises, Inc., a web platform and practice solution enterprise, launching AIR Support and the Metabolic Code Assessment. In addition,  he founded an Practices at Progressive Medical Center in Orange County, CA.  In 2001 he founded and operated LaValle Metabolic Institute, an interdisciplinary medicine facility in Cincinnati for  15 years where he served thousands of patients using his metabolic model for health. James has 27 years’ experience integrating natural therapies into various medical models. James is probably best known for his expertise in natural therapeutics application and drug/nutrient depletion issues and uncovering the underlying metabolic issues that keep people from feeling healthy and vital. As such he has written hundreds of articles for a variety of industry journals and publications, and has lectured for thousands of healthcare professionals and consumer audiences globally on these topics.

Book - Cracking the Metabolic CodeHe is author of 16 e books and 17 books including, Cracking the Metabolic Code, Smart Medicine for Healthier Living, Nutritional Cost of Drugs, The Cox 2 Connection, and the soon to be released book “Your Blood Doesn’t Lie”.

AveUltra is the latest form of AveMar

AveMar Ultra

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