218 – Nurturing Your Probiotic Environment – My Interview with Josée Fortin

Your good bacteria needs the proper environment to thrive.


Digestive Support

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This is an interesting interview for several reasons. First and foremost it is about how to improve the environment of our gut. We have had many interviews about the importance of probiotics. This interview is about changing and maintaining the proper pH of the colon which is the best for our microbiome. No matter which probiotic you use, or even if you don’t take a probiotic supplement, you can benefit from nurturing your microbiome’s environment.

Secondly it is a story of Alfred Vogel. Vogel was a Swiss Naturopath and he is one of the pioneers of the health food movement. Vogel managed a health food store in Basel, Switzerland from 1923 to 1932. He published his first health magazine in 1929 and his current magazine has published monthly since 1943. In 1952 he wrote the book The Nature Doctor, which is still in print with over 2 million books sold. He established BioForce in 1963 which is today a world leading herbal remedy and health food company headquartered in Switzerland. You can see why I consider him a pioneer. We are still today using his products around the world.

Thirdly, it is interesting to me because it goes back to the early days of the health movement. The move towards better health has roots that go back well over 100 years. These pioneers understood that healthy is as healthy does. They taught that better health could be had through better food, natural treatments and remedies  and healthy lifestyles. Alfred Vogel was one of those pioneers that set the stage for what we have today. The concepts of those early pioneers are still valid today.

In this interview I will be speaking with Josée Fortin, who is a naturopath from Canada. We will explore one of A Vogels products Molkosan. Molkosan is a prebiotic made from a concentrated whey rich in L+ Lactic Acid. Molkosan is one of Alfred Vogel’s original remedies. Made from whey obtained from organic milk, Molkosan is rich in a substance known as L+ lactic acid which is now known to support the growth of good gut bacteria. In this way, it acts as a prebiotic. It does this by creating the proper and desirable colon pH. Proper pH = happy bacteria which will flourish better. This is different from prebiotic fibers which serve as food for the bacteria. This is more about the environment of the gut. It is also important to note that bad bacteria do not like L+ lactic acid.

molkosanMolkosan is made from fresh organic whey using a special fermentation process involving lactic acid producing bacteria. It is rich in L+ lactic acid – a substance which improves the environment for friendly gut bacteria. Whey has a long history of use in healthcare and was known as far back as the time of Hippocrates (400 B.C.). In the 18th Century, whey enjoyed a renaissance, securing an enviable reputation and became popular with visitors to health resorts such as those in Gais, Switzerland, which was frequented by European royalty.

In the past, the trend has been to use probiotics for digestion problems. However, the difficulty is that if the internal environment hasn’t changed, probiotics will be killed off just as the original friendly bacteria were. Using prebiotics such as Molkosan to improve the internal environment of the gut increases the likelihood that a probiotic supplement will work well.

If you have gut issues, this is one product that can make a difference in one month, sometimes less. It works whether you take a probiotic or not. You have the opportunity to discover an answer to your distress in a short time. Try it and discover for yourself.

About Josée Fortin
Josée Fortin is a Naturopath and Biochemist with a degree in Biochemistry from University of Ottawa and is a member of the Association des Naturopathes Agréés du Québec (ANAQ). She has over 21 years of experience in the field of naturopathy and gives talks on a range of holistic health topics in natural product stores.

alfred_vogelAbout Alfred Vogel
Alfred Vogel understood how nature worked and how it heals the body, naturally.

To find the true quality of life live in harmony with nature and be aware of nature’s powers.

Health is based on the harmonious combination of a well-balanced lifestyle, spiritual contentment, healthy nutrition and natural remedies. A zest for life and adequate exercise also form part of daily healthcare, which, with good reason, is regarded as our most important possession.
Dr. A.Vogel believed that plant medicines should be backed by scientific studies. Today, five percent of A.Vogel’s worldwide sales go to research and development, which includes using clinical studies to confirm product safety and effectiveness across the full A.Vogel line.

About BioForce
bioforceBioforce USA is a Sales and Marketing company dedicated to supporting brand development for European companies in the US natural products industry. Our flagship brand, A.Vogel from Bioforce AG, located in Switzerland, is the namesake of our company and the first of 6 brands we represent exclusively in the US. Their other brands include Annemarie Borlind, Herbatint, and Sanhelios.avogel

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