134 – The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids – My Interview with Brenda Watson

This interview is Part 2 of our 4 part series on Brenda’s H.O.P.E. program. High fiber, Omega-3 oils, Probiotics, and Enzymes. Her message is straight forward. One of the most important things a person can do when they have digestive issues is evaluate how to incorporate these 4 elements

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133 – Rapid Defense for Immune Support – My Interview with Dean Morris

Everyone has an interest in staying healthy throughout the cold and flu season. Here on HealthQuestPodcast.com our goal is to help you discover some of the best nutritional products. We do that by interviewing some of the best experts in the natural products industry. My interview with 5th generation master herbalist Dean Morris is focused on two of these trademarked ingredients found in Rapi-Defense from Nature’s Way.

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132 – Holy Basil Herb for Stress and Anxiety – My Interview with Chris Kilham

Stress is linked to many aspects of both physical and mental health. Over time, stress can negatively affect the health of the digestive, immune and nervous systems. While the underlying causes of stress must be examined before one can truly heal oneself, dietary supplements can aid in the process. Holy basil, in particular, is an effective way to both prevent and combat the damaging effects of everyday stressors.

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131 – Earthing – What is It and Why Should You Care? – My Interview with Dr. Stephen Sinatra

Earthing, or grounding as it is often called, simply means connecting to the Earth’s natural, negative surface charge by being barefoot outside or in bare skin contact with conductive systems indoors while you sleep, relax, or work. A simple concept, yes. But one with profound impact on the physiology.

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130 – Pain Free 1, 2, 3 – My Interview with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

In his 30 years of clinical experience treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Syndrome Dr. Teitelbaum has found that his S.H.I.N.E. approach is successful in the vast majority of patients. S.H.I.N.E. identifies five key areas related to the body that, when addressed in combination, provide a blueprint for promoting optimal energy. There are sleep, hormones, infection/inflammation, nutrition and exercise.

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129 – Are Tocotrienols the Most Important Form of Vitamin E? – My Interview with Dr. Barrie Tan

All of you know about vitamin E. It’s benefits have been researched for almost 100 years. What many of you may not know is that there 8 different vitamin E molecules and they all have different properties and benefits.

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128 – Omega-3 for Women and Children – My Interview with Dr. Aimee Shunney

Omega-3Everyone who is interested in nutrition knows about fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids. We all understand that they are important. What we often fail to understand is how the nutrients exert their effects. How do these important nutrients work? Consumers often get stuck not knowing what to take or why.

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127 – Probiotics for Digestive and Immune Health – My Interview with Dr. Don Brown

Probiotics have finally hit the mainstream. TV commercials now tout the benefits of probiotics for digestive health. Welcome to club. Health food stores have been promoting probiotics for over 40 years. I purchased probiotics and live culture yogurt and kefir over 40 years ago in a California health food store. These are not new things.

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126 – The Role of Fiber in Digestive Health – My Interview with Brenda Watson

I will bet that most people don’t get enough or know enough about fiber. Fiber is good for constipation or fiber is good for cholesterol. Fiber has those benefits and many more.

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125 – What is the Most Bioavailable Form of Curcumin? – My Interview with Dr. Michael Murray

Curcumin has become one of the world’s best selling herbal extracts. With good reason. The science of curcumin has revealed that curcumin has powerful health benefits. HOWEVER, curcumin is very difficult to absorb and that makes it very difficult to achieve therapeutic blood levels. There is ongoing research into how to increase the therapeutic effects of curcumin, by getting more into the blood stream

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124 – FDA Proposes New Lower Dietary Values – My Interview with Scott Tips

Maybe you heard a recent news release that touted the new nutrition labels recommended by the FDA. All in the name of making nutritional information more readily accessible to consumers. Sounds OK on the surface. But when you look closely at the recommend proposal you discover there are many more implications in this proposal than the simple press release would suggest.

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